Poesia: Senhora das Águas

por Janus

Senhora das águas
Tu que manténs o meu lago interior calmo
Tu que purificas as águas
Trazes a chuva e a vida aos campos
Senhora do amor e dos segredos ocultos
Agradeço-te, sim agradeço-te
Pois sei que tudo aconteceu segundo a tua vontade
E na renovação que sinto eu vejo a tua mão
Tudo aconteceu como se planeado
E comprendi que depois do tempo de provação
Eu era merecedor da tua benção

Spiral triskelion (formed from mathematical Archimedean spirals), occasionally used as a Christian Trinitarian symbol

The dawn of art


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The practice of Druidry used to be confined to those who could learn from a Druid in person. But now you can take an experience-based course wherever you live, and when you enrol on this course, you join the Order of Bards, Ovates & Druids, and begin an adventure that thousands of people all over the world have taken. It works with the ideas and practices of Druidry in a thoroughly practical, yet also deeply spiritual way.